Family Dentistry
in Austin, TX
At Southwest Smiles, we believe families shouldn’t have to drive all over town just to get high-quality dental treatments for everyone in their household. We offer a wide selection of services for patients of all ages! If you’re looking for a kids dentist in Austin who offers gentle, comprehensive family dentistry, we’d like to invite you to schedule an appointment with our team by giving our office a call or using our virtual contact form.
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When should my child see a dentist for the first time?
Most dentists recommend that children should begin visiting the dentist regularly by the time their first tooth grows in or by their first birthday, whichever happens first. If your child is older and hasn’t seen a dentist yet– don’t worry. We can assess their teeth and gums when you are able to bring them in for a convenient appointment in the near future.

What happens at a child’s first dentist appointment?
The very first dentist appointment is usually a quick one, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not important. Dr. Chittajallu will examine your child’s gums, jaw, and whatever teeth have grown in to ensure that everything is progressing normally and looks healthy. Their teeth will also be cleaned, and any questions you may have about pediatric dental care can be answered at their first appointment as well.

Is fluoride safe for children?
Fluoride is safe in small quantities. In fact, many cities add fluoride to their water supplies to help their citizens maintain positive oral health. Fluoride is a naturally-occurring mineral that can be found in water, soil, rocks, and air, and only poses a problem to humans if it is ingested in large quantities. Fluoride treatments that are done in dental offices are always supervised by dental professionals, so not only are they very effective at offering extra protection for tooth enamel, they are very safe treatments as well.

What should I do if my child has a cavity?
If you suspect your child has a cavity or another dental issue, you will want to make an appointment with our team and bring them in to have their teeth assessed. The only way to officially diagnose tooth decay is to come in for a dental exam and have the tooth or teeth examined and X-rays taken. If you know your child has an untreated cavity, you will want to schedule an appointment with us as soon as possible so the decay doesn’t spread or cause other issues.
Dr. Chittajallu is a dentist for kids and adults alike. Whether you’re looking to make an appointment for yourself or your little one, our team would be happy to assist!
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