Top Causes of Tooth Decay

Many people experience tooth decay at some point in their life. It’s a common misconception that aging causes tooth decay. Usually, it’s just that we do so many bad things to our teeth for so long that they eventually give out to decay and disease. In ancient times, many people didn’t experience as much tooth … Continued

Bad Habits for Teeth

You take good care of your teeth: You brush, you floss, you rinse with mouthwash, and you see Dr. Chittajallu for your dental checkups…but you still have these bad habits that harm your teeth. Here’s a list of some bad habits you may want to break to save your oral health! Crunching on Ice It’s … Continued

Why Your Teeth Feel Fuzzy & What To Do About It

“Mom, why do teeth feel fuzzy sometimes?” If your child has ever asked you this question or you have wondered it yourself, you may want to know exactly why those usually smooth teeth can sometimes feel a little fuzzy. Generally, teeth feel fuzzy, or, as others have described it, “furry”, upon awakening in the morning. … Continued

Healthy Foods for your Teeth & Body

When it comes to your oral health, what’s good for your body is also what’s good for your teeth. Sugary foods, processed foods and drinks like soda will contribute to tooth decay. Even sports drinks can be bad for your teeth! Don’t worry, there are many foods that are good for your teeth too. Here … Continued

Procrastination and the Dentist

Perhaps most people you meet would admit that they’ve put off seeing their dentist at some point in their life. Some may only have their teeth cleaned once (instead of the recommended twice) a year, while others may admit they haven’t stepped foot into a dentist’s office in over ten years. When it comes to … Continued

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